MoI for Architectual modeling

 From:  Michael Gibson
428.20 In reply to 428.19 
> Are you referring to R3 ?

No, R4...

> In R4, all surfacing commands are able to output a single creased surface
> (loft, sweep, extrude, etc) unless they require capping to make it a solid
> (like extruding a planar curve).

I'm not seeing this - over here for example lofting between 2 rectangles with style = Normal and "Do not simplify" creates a polysurface made up of 4 surfaces, not a single surface with creases. I am running a 2 month old version - maybe they changed this recently?

> But you can loft 2 circles and 2 points located at their centers to produce
> a single surface cylinder, whose points can be turned on.

Yes, but that's a special case since the circles are G1 with no creases. G1 input curves will result in single surfaces. But try it with non-G1 curves such as rectangles, do you still get a single surface?

- Michael