Clean 2D Export Apps?

 From:  Martin (MARTIN3D)
To get this so called two-line-weight renderings I currently use Cinema4D and Sketch & Toon. To get the thick outline rendered properly all individual objects of the plug must be connected in C4D. I attached a sample rendering. If I somehow could download the plug model I could post this too.

Although C4D + S&T works very well I would prefer a direct workflow from MoI to Adobe Illustrator that would give me the same result without much work. Especially because the illustration would remain in vector format. It would help a lot if MoI (optionally) didn't export hidden lines to the .ai format.

EDITED: 2 Jun 2011 by MARTIN3D

Image Attachments:
Size: 97.5 KB, Downloaded: 51 times, Dimensions: 1082x397px