Filleting & Matching a Cross Section

 From:  BurrMan
4271.8 In reply to 4271.7 

I think that curvature there is not arbitrary, but it's an 8 inch radius.. The main thing you need to do there is to maintain tangency with the start of the curve and the flat top of the body... this is evident if you create that Cplane, then look straight on to it.. You will see that there is a hard edge there... Creating the curve, then the resulting surface to use for a boolean is needed because you wont be able to get a "complete 8 inch fillet", as that would have it be collapsing down onto itself in the very end..

So here is the curve you have, l;ooking at it from that angle and how it meets the top:

This is actually the main thing I need to show the other software users to be aware of, and requires the same thing.

If you place that second point "inline/inplane with the first when, then the resulting surface will be a smooth tangent result when cut away.

It should help in this situation too, when you want to reverse engineer it, because setting that cplane properley, will allow you to place another image right there that contains that curve, at the proper angle, to then mimic it..

Am I correct to think that this is the curve of that armrest??

EDITED: 19 Jun 2012 by BURRMAN