About Selection with only browser

 From:  Michael Gibson
4194.5 In reply to 4194.3 
Hi YHWH_777,

> Instead, it would be good if you could right click on
> one of the Styles and select an option that might say
> something like "Display Only This Style".

This part is actually already possible - if you right click on the eye icon for a style, it will hide all the other styles and leave only that one style visible. If you right click on it a second time it will show them all.

So that right-click works like a kind of "isolate" function - hide everything else other than that particluar slot.

> You could then do the same thing with Objects and Types.

You can do the same thing with Objects and Types, but when you use the controls in those sections you will be dealing with objects using those categories and not styles anymore.

There isn't any kind of persistent memory that keeps the initial hiding of objects using styles to still be enforced when you go to some other section of the scene browser and start using it. If there was, then that could end up with some pretty complex situations where you would need to go to multiple sections of the scene browser to enable a bunch of different things before you could be sure you were actually seeing all red objects for example.

In the future I do want to have a kind of "filter" mechanism that would enable that kind of cross-section interaction though. But it's better to have that as a separate mechanism, trying to have just the regular visibility mechanism have that kind of stickyness leads to a lot of complexity.

- Michael