About Selection with only browser

 From:  Michael Gibson
4194.19 In reply to 4194.11 
Hi Pilou,

> In the 2 cases I begin with nothing selected!
> I have only simple primitives 3D

Yes, but there is a difference between how the name label is assigned compared to how the Styles are assigned.

The name label is assigned to the "top level object" - meaning the solid that is the parent container object that owns the faces and edges.

The Style = Red on the other hand is not assigned to the parent object, it's only assigned to face and edges sub-objects and not to the parent container object.

So when you do a "select things with style = red", what you end up with is a sub-object selection, similar to if you had selected 1 face or or edge for example. And when you have a sub-object selection, doing an Invert after that will invert the selection of sub-objects inside of the parent container and not invert the selection of top level objects.

This is due to the script that I sent to you earlier by PM - in that script I forgot to have the script assign the style to the parent object - instead it ended up assigning the styles to sub-objects only leaving the parent object actually assigned to a different style. It's difficult to see this since what you see on the screen is actually the edge and face sub objects.

- Michael