MoI for Weapons

 From:  SurlyBird
Been using MoI for a while now, but have not been able to post screenshots of my work for confidentiality reasons. Those limitations no longer apply, so here is some of my stuff. I made a bunch of guns for a game called the Agency. My workflow hubs around MoI, Modo, Zbrush and Photoshop. I lean heavily on MoI exclusively for conceptualizing a gun all the way to completing the high-resolution models. I use Modo to make game-resolution meshes by either cleaning-up meshes exported from MoI or rebuilding them using the MoI models as reference. I also use Modo for UVMappping, texture baking and some 3D paint work. I do most of my post-work and texture painting in Photoshop. When I need to, I use Zbrush to generate high-frequency detail, dings scratches etc on my MoI models. Posted below are a few samples. I'll post more when I get the chance.