Mark, I remember about a year ago? you were discussing water. I was just starting texture creation (I'm still a beginner), but I made a project to make a decent looking water texture for you to try. I just went through my pc and I still have it. I'm posting it now. It's a 512 x 512, predominantly blue texture and one that is predominantly green. The water is about what you'd get when at sea on a not particularly calm day but not stormy. It has a (I think regular normal map), a regular texture jpg and a fluid height map. I'd like for you to use it if it has promise, and since I still have the project files I can remake the textures in a higher resolution. I am deeply impressed by your ships and hope to be that good someday. If you need changes to it I could definitely try. It would be good practice for me.
Here is a picture of the blue regular image texture that is in the package. I'm not sure what it will look like with the fluid height map and the disturbed normal map, but it might be fun to see. I made it with Genetica Pro 3.
