
 From:  Michael Gibson
416.4 In reply to 416.1 
Hi MadTooler,

> I am not sure if the design of MoI is Unit specific or Unit irrelevant. Please advise the approach.

Right now it is basically just a generic unit. It can be whatever you want if you just treat it in a consistent manner. The .3dm files written by MoI have a unit setting of "No units", which Rhino interprets as being in whatever the current unit system is in Rhino when you read the file in.

I have been planning on adding a proper unit setting for some time, I'll try to get this in for the next beta release.

I'm glad that the keyboard-free "sit back and draw" style suits you! As you use MoI in this manner, please let me know if you run into any areas that don't feel completely comfortable.

- Michael