
 From:  Kreten
413.25 In reply to 413.2 
Michael this is what I had in mind in terms of meshing.

In the pic you see a yelow line that "separets" the model.
Any chance that you add parametar that would relate to angle like this...
eg. from 45-90 deg. dens meshing and from 0-45 deg. corase meshing

Im saying this because usualy when meshing an object like this one, you would look at those ending edges that are coming almost purpendicular to Cplane.
In that area I would like to have dens meshing so that transitions remains "smooth" doing this, I would unnecesry mesh the upper area where I dont need so fine meshing because of the angle thats geting almost paralel to Cplane.

This would realy be an optmization of the mesh so you dont end up with unnecesary meshes where they are not neded.

What do you think?