Yup curve booleans are in for the next beta!
Here's another example:
Boolean difference:
Boolean union:
Boolean intersection:
There is also a merge operation which like the previously mentioned merge is invoked by doing an intersection with only one set and pushing "Done" instead of selecting a second set - this will cut everything into piece and generate all the closed loops. So in this case the result looks the same as the original, except it is all split into little pieces.
The way these work is if you select only planar, closed curves that are all on the same plane, then the boolean tools will do a curve boolean.
It seems to be working really well, the only complication is with Union in some places - since everything is all selected all in a single shot for union there are some times when it can't properly tell when a shape completely contained inside another is supposed to be a hole or a solid shape.
The really cool thing is this is yet another instance of making the existing tools more powerful without adding any extra UI!
Looks like I will be able to wrap curve booleans up tonight and try a couple other boolean enhancements tomorrow...
- Michael