Feature suggestions

 From:  Jesse
412.198 In reply to 412.197 
Hi Tim,

One way to select a smaller object inside a larger object is to
do an Edit>Copy of the larger object, then delete it. That will
give you free access to pick the smaller object.
Then you can click Paste and bring back the larger object.
Hope this helps.


I'd like to ask if there is a way right now to script the arrow keys and up and down keys to move an object. Last night, I brought a model from MoI into Rhino so I could render it... The arrow keys were really helpful in positioning lights.
By using the arrow keys, you can nudge things along the world axes. Since it's not viewport dependent, you can keep your eyes in the perspective viewport.

This is just a quick preliminary rendering of the project.


EDITED: 11 May 2007 by JESSE
