> There is also a little free place just under it for a little text
That's normally where the name of the currently open file goes (like alarm.3dm), it's only blank when you initially start up before saving or loading anything.
By the way, here is a cleanup of your 2.0 radius version:
It was actually pretty quick to clean up - first select it and do Edit/Separate to break it into different individual surfaces. Then select all those surfaces that have various intersecting parts, and then do Boolean Merge.
That intersects everything and cuts everything up into smaller parts. You can then delete the excess parts, select it all and join it, and then use Construct / Planar to fill in the holes in the top plane.
Merge is turning out to be kind of a one-step simple alternative to Trim when you just want to slice everything up into pieces.
There is an option in the fillet engine to do something similar to this, a kind of boolean merge of each fillet piece instead of the regular attempt to trim surfaces by the fillet rails. But it doesn't seem quite reliable yet. But in the future I may be able to automate that so that oversize intersecting fillets like this will work.
- Michael