Feature suggestions

 From:  Michael Gibson
412.185 In reply to 412.180 
Hi Pilou,

> Easy Selection (edge loop selection(?)

I definitely want to add that, but I'm planning on it for version 2.0.

For now you can do an area selection - after you select one edge, switch to the front view and then drag a selection window around those edges. You'll want to drag starting from the left and going towards the right - when you do it in that direction, only objects strictly inside the window will be selected. If you go from right towards the left, the window will show a dotted outline and anything that intersects it in any way will be selected.

Also for fillet you can select a face as a shortcut for grabbing a bunch of edges - if you select a face and then run fillet, all the edges that belong to that face will be rounded. Sometimes that can be easier than selecting all the edges themselves.

- Michael