Feature suggestions

 From:  Michael Gibson
412.10 In reply to 412.5 
Re: Make manifold / merge

This one seems like a bit of an odd operation to me, since it involves creating a model with all sorts of excess pieces sticking out in all directions.

It just doesn't seem like a very natural approach, it's just a little easier to work on a few surfaces at a time and trim smaller pieces instead of having everything all sticking out everywhere.

Also right now it is possible to get the same result by using Trim and Join - select all the surfaces, run Trim, push Done instead of picking any other cutting objects (because in this case the objects being cut are also the cutters), and then hit done to leave all the pieces - select the excess pieces and delete, and select the remaining pieces and join and you've got that same result.

I guess I could add the Merge / Make manifold operation as a special case of boolean intersection. I suppose if you select only surfaces and no solids, and then run boolean intersection it could do this merge operation, would that make sense?

- Michael