Hi PaQ, well it's on my list but it's a fairly substantial feature area, both for having a mesh object at runtime and for doing a file importer - any kind of file parsing can tend to be a lot of work and require a lot of testing with output from numerous different programs.
Having a "hidden option" for such things is not very practical for me, because it's hard to justify investing a lot of time to do a bunch of work for something that will then be hidden by default...
I'm not against adding in special controls or .ini options for advanced users for a variety of situations, but usually those are more practical when they act as some kind of modification in behavior, not so much when they involve enabling or disabling some more major feature area.
When something is going to involve a lot of work, I kind of have to implement it in a more full way, rationalize how it will get incorporated into the UI and what the side effects will be, all of that stuff...
- Michael