Skid Loader

 From:  Don (DON_CHEKE)
Just created this skid loader to practice using MoI. I sure like using MoI and the overall results.

One tool I could have used and could not readily find a solution for was one I have come to really like in TC. It is called the Circle Tangent to Entity tool. With it you can select your first two entities to go tangent from and then enter a final radius or diameter to complete. The tool also has options to use through points in conjunction. Is this possible in MoI?

One other thing that I have found when using MoI is that if an object is thin, say .5 " or 1", etc., the lines behind bleed through (Sreen0015). Has anyone else noticed this? Perhaps it is due to my graphics card (Screen0014), but I hesitate to update it since doing so has caused me issue in other software over time. I removed the bleed through lines in my image editor for the 4-View.
Image Attachments:
Size: 291.2 KB, Downloaded: 112 times, Dimensions: 1200x910px
Size: 26 KB, Downloaded: 41 times, Dimensions: 259x120px
Size: 30.9 KB, Downloaded: 104 times, Dimensions: 248x604px