Beginners tutorials?

 From:  Jesse
402.24 In reply to 402.23 
Hi Michael and Pilou,

Without consciously being aware of the particular mathematical concepts
of NURBS, I've found some practical methods to work within their "rules".

Here is my method for making surfaces (from lofts and sweeps)
which are smoother than those generated from individually drawn curves.

For lofts (and sweeps with multiple cross sections), I start out with a circle or
ellipse and shape it by scaling or moving groups of control points.

Then, I copy that curve as many times as needed to do the loft, shaping each curve by turning
on control points and using a combination of moving and scaling (1D or 2D) in symmetrical groupings
until the curve takes the desired shape. For me, it's a lot faster that drawing each one of them, individually.
I don't know how it affects the knot vector arrangement, but it seems to work pretty well.

Without a "Rebuild Curve" tool or the automated function such as Michael is planning
to put into the loft command, it seems like my best solution for now.
