Beginners tutorials?

 From:  Michael Gibson
402.17 In reply to 402.16 
Some more bath ideas - I thought it might be nice to try and carve out a sort of scalloped area for a shoulder/arm type rest. I started with a cylinder, and rotated it into place, kind of stretched it out into an squished ellipse using Transform / Scale / Scale 1d. But it wasn't quite what I wanted, so I duplicated the ellipse edges of the cylinder by doing a drill-in selection to select the edges, then doing copy/paste (you can also do ctrl+drag to duplicate objects, but copy/paste is good when you want to leave them in the exact same position).

Then I made some duplicates of them with ctrl+drag, rotated them with Transform / Rotate / Rotate axis, scaled them around a bit to get these curves:

Then lofted those to make a weird solid slug:

Then boolean difference that slug from the main bath (which I rebuilt again without fillets - usually you want to leave filleting for the end), then filleted after the boolean, to get this:

So this might give you some other ideas on other possibilities - you can create more solids and use boolean difference to cut into your main shape. If you want to make something that sticks out from your main shape, you model a solid for it and then use boolean union to merge it.

I'm not sure if the proportions are very good on this, I'd recommend having a type of rough mannequin type model in there so you can get some idea where arms and legs are going to go in relation to the model, it might be a good idea to have something like that from pretty early on.

- Michael