Replace in place?

 From:  Michael Gibson
3974.15 In reply to 3974.14 
Hi Pilou,

> yes you right but it's better when computer makes that for us :)

Yes, but the computer doesn't do it on its own, someone has to program the computer to do such things...

So for example if it takes me 45 minutes to make a specialized command to make something unusual like that work faster, but it only takes you 10 minutes to actually do it in the first place, it works out better (for me anyway!) for you to do the 10 minutes part instead... ;)

If you want to do some interesting and unusual things, doing some work to produce them is just something to expect as normal.

But there are some computer-aided pieces in there to help you - things like the random deselection script, Petr's CopyToPoints command, and the script to create points at the center of each individual selected objects are each replacing a lot of manual work that you would otherwise have to do. Those should help to make it 10 minutes of work instead of many hours of work...

- Michael