newby - weird radii - how to create for cnc cutting

 From:  BobK
3970.15 In reply to 3970.14 

Mind if I ask you about your setup? I built a "Joe's Hybrid" and I'm using Vectic Cut 3D and Cut 2D for CAM. There are a lot of really creative and generous people on this forum, but I think that most remain in the digital world. I know it's on a case by case basis, but I'd love to hear tips on how best to model for a machining process. For example my first project in MOI (and on my cnc machine) was a simple plate. The 3D machining process was going to take over an hour and the end results really weren't that great. So I ended up making a slightly simplified plate and using curves rather than surfaces I could complete the process just using 2D machining. The job took less than 10 minutes to complete and came out very nice. Looking at your project, I suspect that unless you have a high end CAM program and a very fast machine a 2D process might save you a lot of time.
