Hey Frenchy,
Yes it is Amapi, although this is working in NURBS mode.. The item you see created there is a pure NURBS surface..
And yes, it is the same as a "revolve" object in MoI, with MoI having the ability to edit the input curves points and adjust the volume, although my point was that most poly modeler's, doing box type modeling, work in this fashion shown here.. There is less an emphasis on precision and more an emphasis on pulling out what "looks" good. It's not that it is a tool missing from MoI, but more that a simple combination of existing tools, could make an appealing toolset to a poly modeler. More like, "This is how it is in my poly app" kind of thing...
It wouldnt even need to be "additional" tools added in. Could just be a tick mark in Extrude/Sweep that then enables it to be tied to revolve/spline tools to create the method..
""""""""""""Amapi was also a nurbs modeler and has not the same appelling function when nurbs was drawing """"""""""""""""""
I think what you may be refering to is this "sweep" method doesnt work on "Faces" when in NURBS mode. This is sweeping a "curve" in NURBS mode, which produces NURBS surfaces that can be exported out before you collapse the Dynamic Geometry, which will then convert the NURBS surfaces to Poly's...