Hi Burr,
> Well, there is the limitation of working on "curves" and not surfaces..
Yes, but that's one reason why what you are showing is pretty different from "box modeling"...
You're showing something I'd describe more like "freeform tube drawing" - box modeling is a different technique than what you've shown in either of those videos.
> I could cut little eyes and lips and things, then grab those
> edges and box model some little detail there....
If you would like to work in that way you might want to use a polygon modeler for doing that, they've got a bunch of tools in them that are more specifically oriented around that stuff.
The other part that goes along with that is sub-d smoothing which is a part of box modeling, the box modeling creates the sort of outer hull and then sub-d smoothing is applied to it to make a kind of smooth melted down shape out of it.
- Michael