
 From:  Dave Morrill (DMORRILL)
3963.27 In reply to 3963.26 
> There are some other various stuff - web workers, SQL Lite database storage, video support. To enable some of these things would involve pulling in additional support libraries as well.

More hmm...hopefully this is mostly just a matter of setting some build switches on your part and that your previous statement about presenting a compelling case for including missing WebKit components applies here as well. I'm not sure what having/not having these components means at this point, since I'm personally still trying to sort through how all these technologies fit together. But hopefully it will be easier to convince you to include one of these components than it would be to convince you to write 10,000 lines of new C++ code to implement some new MoI feature :-)

> <canvas> seems to be getting used much more frequently for interactive type stuff.

I've heard it argued that SVG presents a richer interaction model than <canvas>, since much of the DOM event handling model reaches down into and applies to the SVG elements, but I'm not really convinced. Seems to me that creating a <canvas>-based component should not be any harder than creating a custom component using any other GUI toolkit. I've got a couple of components I'm planning on implementing using <canvas>, so hopefully I'll have some first hand experience soon.

- Dave Morrill