Help! v2 window disappears after 4 minutes of running in Win7

 From:  XP5 (VICXP0518)
3947.5 In reply to 3947.2 
Tyvm Michael,

Good news is the problems gone, but I got no idea around how that wud happen. What I've tried is many sys config restoration and even the logon taal profiles back to English, personalization reset, media player window off, and many now I consider effortless. I will notice the problem (hope not again) and keep on tracking.

Btw I'm still in the 30 day and will pay for a license if some of my friends accomplish, I'm just swanking MoI up to them ;) I was saying the problem repeats when activating the UI window from the taskbar button.

Happy new year Michael and everyone here, thanks!

- XP5