MoI To Modo 501 - Contour rendering

 From:  danperk (SBEECH)
3926.27 In reply to 3926.25 
Very strange.

>>Do the part assignments seem to be correct when exported as a solid? I mean if you go into the Statistics pane in Modo you should see a "Part" category with 49 different entries under it. If you select some of those does a small portion of the mesh corresponding to one of the original surfaces get selected?<<

I see 1 object in Modo, unless I use separate in Moi. Attached image of my export settings.

SteveMacc said: >>Remember you have to convert the modo mesh to static mesh before this will work.<<

Yes, it's a static mesh, not in the image capture, but I do that step.

Here's my LWO I/O settings in Modo:

EDITED: 22 Dec 2010 by SBEECH