Hi Nos, there are 2 modes to how the sweep profiles are placed. In "auto place" mode the profiles are automatically transformed and moved from their original spot (usually drawn flat on the top view) to the rail. In manual position mode they are taken directly from their current position and not altered.
These modes are determined by whether the profile curve is outside of the bounding box around the rail or not. Please see the six-legged pod video here for some additional explanation and visuals that describe that: http://moi3d.com/2.0/docs/tutorials.htm (see around the 8:20 time mark).
To use manual place mode with multiple profiles you'll generally want the rail to be nearby the profiles and not have the profiles offset far to one side or the other of it (as it looks like you may have) since if they are far enough away it will trigger auto place mode. But also auto place mode will only kick in if you have the profiles all on the same plane so if you place a second profile along the rail where it is tilted at some angle or something like that, that should also turn off auto place mode as well.
In the future I'm probably going to make this placing mode something you can more explicitly set instead of having it automatically happen based on the relation of the profile to the rail's bounding box.
- Michael