MoI finds a home

 From:  Michael Gibson
3892.9 In reply to 3892.7 
Hi Danny,

> Alibre mentions importing models from MoI using STEP
> format doesn't their .3dm import work with MoI ?

Yes, their 3DM import does work with MoI models - I guess they are used to focusing on STEP as the most frequent way to interchange data in general.

Also I'm not sure if they also export 3DM out from Alibre.

They can import any of STEP, 3DM, SAT, or IGES formats saved out of MoI.

Actually SAT may be a good way to go from MoI into an ACIS-based modeler, in the past I've kind of got the feeling that the ACIS importers don't tend to mess around with trying to tweak things as much with their own format.

- Michael