MoI finds a home

 From:  Don (DON_CHEKE)
3892.49 In reply to 3892.48 
Hi Michael,

You asked: Does TurboCAD not really have the concept in it of joined surfaces that do not form a solid? Does it have anything like a "Join" or "Stitch" or "Sew" type command that lets you glue together surfaces at their shared edges into connected pieces?

I must confess that I am not well versed on the technicalities of how TurboCAD does what it does. I know that it uses the ACIS engine and creates solids, but I have never really understood all of that. TurboCAD can use surfaces, but that term used in TC may mean something different than what others mean when they talk about surface modeling. The lower version of TurboCAD (that is Deluxe) is limited to what are called TC Surfaces and in this case that is a very limiting factor when it comes to modeling.

With regards to your last question. Yes, TurboCAD has all kinds of tools when it comes to Boolean Operations and Solid /Surface translations. Of course, all these tools work best on objects that were created right in TurboCAD.

I still think that MoI and TurboCAD will work well together, I just need to learn MoI a whole lot better - but that will take time. Even in the last couple days of our discussions I have learned so much. I will need to come to grips with how things are modeled in MoI as it appears to be quite different than how one models in TurboCAD.

Thanks for all your time.

I know I will have additional questions, but I will, of course, start new threads when needed.

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