MoI finds a home

 From:  Max (MAXF)
3892.26 In reply to 3892.24 
>There are 3 Versions:
- Standard
- Pro
- Expert

Yes I have an old standard, but now seem to be discontinued and replaced by the Personal WITHOUT 3DM import(99 euro).
At least here in Italy. So:
- Pro
- Expert
If I would like to upgrade mine (for using with my brand new OS) I need to buy the PRO (599 euro). Simply too expensive for my need."

Let me repeat: Surfacing Import *is not taken out* of anything. In fact, we don't even have a way to take it out even if we wanted to - it isn't controlled by a license bit. There is NO product that exists from us that does not have 3DM import.

To use 3DM import, open a PART workspace. Go to the *Insert* menu and select Surfaces. It is *not* under File > Import.

Alibre, Inc.