MoI finds a home

 From:  Max (MAXF)
3892.21 In reply to 3892.16 
"I've purchased a License of Alibre when it was very cheap, but I still wasn't able to use it.
First they remove from the design version the 3DM import. No Moi No Party!
Then they don't support Windows 7 for previous version. I have a license that doesn't expire but I don't have the OS for use it. The worst experience I had with a software (along with Windows ME maybe....).


As Ralf-s indicated, we did not remove the 3DM import. It has never been in the File > Import menu, but rather is in the Insert > Surfaces menu. Also, I apologize we did not have the foresight to support an OS that was a year out as of when it launched, as if it were even possible. You purchased 5 days after Windows7 was available at retail. Retrofitting some internal mechanisms of a year-old product to support Windows7 when our next version was right around the corner didn't make sense, and as such the system requirements clearly indicated the supported operating systems of the product you purchased. I'm not saying I don't sympathize with your situation, but let's at least share the blame a little.

"IMHO It is not a great move, I fear that linking Moi with second rate software such as Alibre, will not reflect well on Moi. Even thought it might be great exposure, but you got to be picky about your partners. Some poeple will look at Moi and Alibre as one!.


You are entitled to your opinion of our software. However, you can see at that many, many people use it every day to design everything from the structural steel body of an entire church to a racecar ( got 10th place of 130 in the Xprize) to model engines to just about anything. Our goal isn't to be the best at everything - never has been. We deliver 3D CAD and related technology that's powerful enough to get the job done at a price that's waaaay cheaper. If you have $5K burning a hole in your wallet, then by all means go buy Solidworks if you need it.

Alibre, Inc.