MoI finds a home

 From:  Ralf-S
3892.17 In reply to 3892.16 
> I've purchased a License of Alibre when it was very cheap, but I still wasn't able to use it.
There are 3 Versions:
- Standard
- Pro
- Expert

You probably bought the Standard V11.x ( $ 97,-) version that was released before Windows 7.
The current version is 2011 - 32 bit and 64 bit

> First they remove from the design version the 3DM import. No Moi No Party!
That`s wrong.
Insert -> Surfaces -> *.3dm

Party with: SAT, IGES, STEP :-)

Example: Created with Alibre, Moi3D and KeyShot :-)

EDITED: 6 Dec 2010 by RALF-S

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