google warehouse import and, also, Photomodeler

 From:  Michael Gibson
3880.8 In reply to 3880.7 
Hi shokan, yes so that method could work for that kind of use.

So the reason why DXF may be preferable is that the 3D Face entities in DXF files can be either 3 or 4 sided, while the 3DS format (and I forget about VRML) can only contain triangle polygons.

So if Photomodeler is producing things like boxes those will be a bit cleaner with 4-sided polygons if possible.

Then after the conversion steps, you'll have a 3DM file to bring into MoI, and to create surfaces you can select 4 edges in a loop and use the Construct > Planar command to build a planar surface through them. Then after building up planar surfaces you can select them and use the Join command to join them into a solid.

- Michael