mesh edges not aligned when exporting Closed

 From:  Michael Gibson
3869.92 In reply to 3869.90 
Hi FlashFire,

> Well I should clarify, since the problem I once had
> was with a joined model. It needed some points/edges
> to be edited in C4D. I too was shocked to see this from
> software that imported normals.

Could you post the model, or e-mail it to me at ? I will check it to make sure it is joined.

There are also other kinds of problems than joining that are possible, for example things like self intersecting surfaces can then produce polygon output that has polygons folded back over top of themselves as well.

If you post the model it would enable me to analyze it and better describe what was wrong with it and what you can do to avoid that. For example if you had a kind of curly-cue loop in one of the original curves you used in construction that will then create a self-folded surface from it as well.

> Would you not agree that in many cases CAD models
> are not poly efficient models?

Sure, but the part that I can't seem to get across is that does not have anything to do with the rendered appearance.

If your main goal is to produce a good looking rendering, having a supremely poly efficient model does not particularly help towards that goal (when the true vertex normals are being used of course).

> In those cases it's nice to import ngons and be able to
> dissolve unwanted edges or even whole rings/loops, to
> create a much more efficient mesh.

Why? Why do you go through all this effort when you can get a completely perfect looking rendering with the original model before doing all this extra work?

Once again here is the example model from earlier in this thread:

What is wrong with the rendering that makes you want to tweak the polygons? By tweaking, you're much more likely to actually introduce a worse quality rendering than what you've already got without any extra work. That's what's pretty baffling to me about what you seem to be trying to do...

Why do a bunch of work for a lower quality rendered result? If you edit the polygons you're never going to get as perfectly smooth of a render that looks completely identical to the original NURBS model as that rendering above does.

- Michael