mesh edges not aligned when exporting Closed

 From:  Michael Gibson
3869.86 In reply to 3869.84 
Hi FlashFire,

> it's probably something I look at more closely then most CAD users.

I think the problem is that you're so used to things working in the poly modeler by smoothing groups, that you mistakenly jump to the assumption that any kind of extra triangulation will cause some kind of shading glitches.

The part that you're not used to is that it's a completely different scenario when you get the good vertex normals to be used in the rendering.

When you get vertex normals that come from the original NURBS surfaces to be used in the rendering, it causes the shading to look the same as the NURBS surfaces instead of being controlled only by averaging between adjacent facets like with smoothing groups.

Here is a simple example - here I simply moved the density slider to the right when exporting out from MoI, and then imported and rendered the result in Cinema4D without any poly tweaking:

What area in particular do you think needs improvement? Which thing in the rendering are you looking at more closely than most CAD users?

- Michael