Hi FlashFire,
> I wish this area of Moi could be worked on to be even better.
Could you be a little more specific and narrow it down a bit - which area in particular are you referring to and could you describe a bit about what you would rather see MoI do?
But please don't give a description like "just emulate my extensive experience and use my same judgment in creation of the mesh", because unfortunately software algorithms can't be easily created that follow such nebulous types of processes. A software algorithm has to follow a very specific and meticiulously detailed set of rules to produce output, it can't "just do it" ...
> But realize this is a limitation of the libraries used in
> programing.
It's not so much just a library limitation - it's that MoI cannot easily just repeat a process that is mostly based on human judgement and experience.
But there are other issues beyond that as well - one of them is that an all quad topology is not actually better 100% of the time.
Here is a pretty simple example:
So note there that the current mesher placed a single n-gon polygon on the top cap there. If you were looking for the cleanest possible wireframe and most efficient polygon count, that current result delivers that. To produce an all-quad topology for that same example would involve tiling that top planar face with a lot of little quad fragments, making a higher polygon count and denser wireframe instead of a really light wireframe.
MoI's mesher is oriented towards those kinds of goals currently and not on producing an all quad ready-to-subd mesh which it sounds like you are looking for.
If you want an all quad, ready-to-subd mesh, I really recommend that you create that from the start in a polygon modeling program that has a bunch of tools that are oriented towards creating that kind of a thing. MoI's tools are not oriented towards that kind of a thing, you can create poly output with MoI, but it is a different kind of polygon structure than that. The result from MoI is perfectly suitable for rendering directly already though.
If you're trying to do something else than render the polygon result from MoI you are probably just not using the correct tool for the job, except in certain special cases.
- Michael