mesh edges not aligned when exporting Closed

 From:  Michael Gibson
3869.121 In reply to 3869.113 
Hi Steve,

> I do not turn around to a customer and tell them
> "you really dont need that" and send them a model
> with n-gons/tris, then say, well it renders perfectly.

But guess what - it is actually true that your customer does not really need that at all.

They are not gaining anything by having you spend a ton of time trying to reconstruct the model, and in many cases it will take you an enormous amount of time to make something that renders with no glitches in it. Meanwhile the original model just exported directly from MoI already renders a perfect result with no glitches. It's far more likely that all your extra work will actually introduce artifacts and since rendering the original model is completely glitch free already there is no chance that you are actually going to be improving the model.

So you're doing a bunch of work for potentially worse results. The best case scenario is that you're doing a bunch of work for the same result. Either one of these is a big waste of time and is fairly ridiculous.

Maybe you need to find some way to educate your customers better so that you don't have to do a lot of work for no purpose at all.

Your situation is fairly unusual because for most people doing a lot of work for no actual gain is a nonsensical thing to pursue.

- Michael