mesh edges not aligned when exporting Closed

 From:  Michael Gibson
3869.111 In reply to 3869.110 
Hi Steve, well I understand what the real world is.

What I don't follow is the purpose behind you bringing that up - were you trying to make some correlation between the real world and what a rendering should look like, or not?

If your comment had nothing to do whatsoever with the actual discussion, it might be better to just leave it unsaid.... It's pretty natural for someone to assume it had some kind of intended relevance to what was being discussed.

I have to admit, I'm pretty confused about a lot of things in this thread, like what is the motivation to do all this work to reorganize all the polygons when the ones that were just directly saved out from MoI with the accurate vertex normals on them generate an already perfect looking rendering.

I guess some of these things will just remain mysteries to me.

- Michael