Object grouping and organization.

 From:  Ray
384.4 In reply to 384.2 
Regarding object grouping and organization I would like a method comparable to
* Blender's "outliner",
* Cinema 4D or
* SolidThinking.
All these programs have a kind of object hierarchy that allows to select object, surfaces and also curves. Selecting objects in the 3D view can be very difficult, especially when you want to select a large number of objects. For example, to model an aircraft fuselage using a "loft" you have to select a number of cross sections in the correct order. The nice thing about the hierarchy is that it also allows to hide/unhide certain objects. Although the method used by MoI works, it is not always practical.

Of the programs mentioned above Cinema 4D has the most interesting feature, namely that when you build an object out of curves or surfaces the original curve is kept in the hierarchy. You can then later change this curve and this alters the complete object.This is also the case for mirrored objects and booleans. A number of objects can be grouped to a larger part.

So the wish list would be
- being able to name objects/curves and place them in an hierarchical list
- being able to select objects/curves from the hierarchy
- being able to hide/unhide objects using the list
- being able to combine objects/curves into parts by selecting and grouping them
- being able to combine objects/curves into parts by using construction commands (sweep, boolean etcetera)

Note that I find MoI already very useful in the state it is now! The above would make it better but amazingly enough you can build very complex objects without any of these fancy features.

Yours sincerely,
