Object grouping and organization.

 From:  Michael Gibson
384.26 In reply to 384.25 
Hi Kreten, I don't expect to have anything in this area for V1, it is something that I want to tackle for V2.

The usual CAD layer system has some limitations that I don't like. Like for example since each object goes only on one layer, you can't very easily have organizations like having a car where one wheel is on a layer "wheels", but also the 2 front wheels are on a layer "front half of car", as one example.

I want to have something that isn't limited in that manner. Also I don't really want to have separate systems for both groups and layers, they are performing similar duties so from my view it is bad to have totally different systems for them.

But I haven't had time yet to design a system that accomplishes these things, it will be very time consuming to design a good system for this, so that's why it is not going to be ready for V1, I just don't want to delay V1 for this.

- Michael