Curves from solids... flattened (a section cut for autocad)

 From:  Michael Gibson
3836.2 In reply to 3836.1 
Hi Rado, I'm not entirely sure if I understand but you can draw in some lines and use Construct > Curve > Project to project those onto your object, that is another way to generate section cuts. Or if you have already created planes that intersect the piece, use Construct > Curve > Isect to create curves where the planes intersect the object. Either of these methods will give you curve output directly.

Then if you want the results squished down to a plane, go to a side view and use the edit frame to squish them down by doing a 1D type scale.

That looks something like this:

Set up some lines (you can use Transfrom > Array > Dir to make equally spaced copies):

Project those lines onto the shape:

Now from a side elevation view, grab the edit frame handle here:

And move it downwards until you get the "Flat" snap:

Is that the kind of thing you're trying to do?

- Michael