Curves from solids... flattened (a section cut for autocad)

 From:  Michael Gibson
3836.12 In reply to 3836.11 
Hi Danny,

> I think Rado is saying that the silhouette command doesn't
> work quiet well on this model and hidden lines are being
> generated

Yes, that's what I was trying to describe - silhouette currently will generate all "potential" silhouettes, which for curved surfaces means tracing a curve where the surface normal is perpendicular to the view, and for a joined creased edge (when "Include edges" is enabled) it means an edge that has a surface normal on one side pointing towards the eyepoint and the other surface normal on the other side of the edge points away from the eyepoint.

Later on I want to have some additional methods that will take these potential silhouettes and figure out which pieces of them are hidden and which pieces are visible.

Right now that hidden-line processing is not done, so you get all potential silhouettes generated, including ones that would be hidden.

I can't see anything actually going wrong with the silhouette generation in the model you posted (given the way Silhouette currently works with "potential silhouette" generation as described above), can you maybe point out one particular silhouette line that you think is an error?

- Michael