Hi lyes,
> or tell me which file to edit I give it a try thank you.
Much of the scene browser logic is in compiled code directly in moi_lib.dll , so this particular part of the UI is not really something that you can edit directly.
One reason for that is the scene browser is not actually made up of much static UI, most of the stuff in side of it is created dynamically to mirror the structure and entities within the model.
It could be possible to add in new buttons to the very top or very bottom of the scene browser pane though, to do that you would edit the file BrowserPane.htm inside of the \ui subfolder if you have the browser in the separate pane mode, or you would edit the SidePane.htm file if you have the browser in the mode where it shows at the bottom of the main side pane.
There was a thread on this here:
- Michael