I have to say its a really impressif piece of software.
Just did a quick test with Balancer, looks really great.
So I start from a 3DCoat voxel model, 225k polys.
I reduce it to 11k tris, using Modo, 3Dcoat export option and finally Balancer.
Takes someting like 15sec ... modo produce a lot of high valance vertex in this case, giving many shading glitches.
The job is pretty nice, reduction take 2 sec or so. However, the triangulation is very unifrom, meaning less triangle where its actually needed (silhouette).
3Dcoat also produce a lot of micro triangle, that can break the shading.
Here s the Balancer result. Its just great from my pov. No tiny triangle, nice triangle balancing on detailled area. Seems that Balancer also care about the vertex normal from hires model, that sounds perfect for nurbs poly reduction too (but I didnèt test it yet).
Finally the process was nearly in real time (less than 1sec).
Just wondering, is the licence locked to a computer, or is it possible to put on a usb key and use it on multiple computer like MoI/Modo ?