Hi Guys!
I would like to let you know that Balancer 2.0 released.
Balancer 2.0 features robust and easy to use
accurate pixel-based tolerance simplification.
Now you can easily obtain desired visual quality
just in one click, without thoroughly inspecting
simplified models at different triangle count.
You specify error tolerance in pixels (say 3 pixels)
and your viewport (say 1024 by 1024), and in one click
you get a simplified model, which satisfies your quality
requirement. From any viewing direction, the resulting
model's silhouette won't deviate by more than 3 pixels.
All the rest of new features and improvements we worked on
we also added to Balancer 1.5.1 for those who purchased
Balancer 1.x.
Here is a decimation with 2 pixel error tolerance
for 480 x 480 viewport:
Balancer is available for both Windows and Mac OS X as usual: