Just purchased my V2 :) +Spiro Curves

 From:  Samuel Zeller
Hey everyone, im back again at 3D modelling !
It's been a long time since I didn't touched MoI (since last v2 beta)

I just purchased my V2 upgrade, ready to do some MoI again.
Thanks again Michael for that awesome piece of software !

Just a little tought, Im sure you already heard of Inkscape (the free vector drawing app)
Inkscape got Spiro Curves (Cornu spirals) since V0.47 and it's an awesome tool !

There's more info on the original Spiro page -> http://levien.com/spiro/
And a little video showing the Spiro effect inside Inkscape -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OaLZuFZxdk

What I love about them is they allow you to draw perfect curves, with fewer control points !
It's more a 2D kind of tool, but since I also use MoI for 2D drawing and I know a lot of people do the same, it would be nice to hear from you if this kind of tool is potentialy code-able :)

I think it's good for logo design, landscape architecture and regular architecture, object design (freeform stuff) and of course jewelry and watch design...

Have a good day'