shortcut assignments

 From:  Michael Gibson
3808.11 In reply to 3808.10 
Hi Duarte, welcome back!

> If I understand correctly these are supposed to reverse the view (from top>bottom, left>right etc.)
> right? Did I do something wrong or did anything change that broke the toggling part of the script?

Actually these scripts from the above post ( are meant to just go to one specific view so you can set a specific key to go always immediately to the Back view for example, without needing to do any toggle.

Here are some that will work with a toggle type action, these will set the view to maximized or if already maximized it will toggle it.

Set maximized Top view or toggle Top/Bottom:
script:var vname = 'top'; var vp = moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel; if ( vp.mode == vname ) vp.reverseView( vname ); else vp.mode = vname;

Set maximized Front view or toggle Front/Back:
script:var vname = 'front'; var vp = moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel; if ( vp.mode == vname ) vp.reverseView( vname ); else vp.mode = vname;

Set maximized Right view or toggle Right/Left:
script:var vname = 'right'; var vp = moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel; if ( vp.mode == vname ) vp.reverseView( vname ); else vp.mode = vname;

- Michael