How to fillet this extruded object

 From:  Michael Gibson
3799.8 In reply to 3799.4 
Hi Leonard, just to clarify what Burr was saying, the spots in your model that have some problems are these areas at the ends here:

If you zoom in closely to those spots, you can see that instead of just being a simple structure in those spots there are some tiny little slivery bits in there:

Those are what are messing up the fillet, also in the bottom of one of those areas is a little gap which meant the object didn't quite get all joined up into a full solid.

I've attached a fixed up version of your model - to fix it I drew in some lines at those ends, and moved the line inwards slightly and then just trimmed off those little slivery parts to make clean ends instead. Then I used Construct > Planar to fill in plane caps in those spots, and also I noticed a couple of edges that were fragmented into more than one segment instead of being a long edge, I used the Merge command to get those glued together into long edges.

This version should now fillet ok.

- Michael