How to fillet this extruded object

 From:  nycL45
I tried several builds and settings to fillet and chamfer this object. It was extruded from a surface and the attached images and file show the steps to the solid (#4 in pic 1). The highlighted edges in Pic 2 are to be filleted or chamfered.

After extruding the surface, I used Join to close up gaps in the end of the lower right arm (pic 3) and tried filleting and chamfering. Lines appeared parallel to the edges but no fillet. The extra edges (pic 3) – while kind of strange since this an extrusion – do not seem to be the cause of the issue.

Edit: Would it be best to construct one arm, fillet, duplicate and assemble?



EDITED: 5 Oct 2010 by NYCL45

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