mesh export and normal

 From:  steve (STEVE_HOME)
3781.3 In reply to 3781.1 
Hi PP,

I do not know a way to check the normal direction in MoI, but you can "Flip" the normal before export. So for what you are seeing, you can go back into MoI, select the planer objects who`s normals are reversed and then press the "tab" key and type "Flip". You could also set up a shortcut key for that command.

In the applications I use, they do render both sides of a plane(option is usually: show/hide backfaces), but if the software does not support that, maybe you would be better to add a thickness to the planer objects. After you have created the planes, select them and use "shell" and add a thickness of, for example, 0.01, which creates solids and you would then have the normals facing outward on all sides and save having to go back into MoI.

- Steve