Colored Style lines

 From:  Michael Gibson
3766.13 In reply to 3766.12 
Hi Pilou,

> yes but almost
> they are not colored because they have not the same
> orientation than axis !

Yes, but notice that the box is still all correct - all 90 degree angles, etc... Just because it is not aligned to the world axes does not mean that it is automatically a "bad" box or something like that...

> so just 6 colors
> red, green, blue (dark or bushy...dashed...) verify if same
> orientation than axis

Sounds like it is getting quite complicated, with so many different colors...

What about hidden lines? Would hidden lines be displayed in their regular faint dashed colors? So how would you tell the difference between a hidden-line blue line and a special dashed blue line?

Do you know of any other program that displays lines in this way? It could be helpful for me to see an example of it in action to see if it feels natural or if it feels strange...

- Michael